Advising at UNM

Each college and professional school within the University of New Mexico (UNM) has an advising center, sometimes called a success center, with full-time academic advising staff that helps students plan their degree and academic goals. Advisors typically to work with students by major or degree program, which allows students to benefit from their specialized knowledge. The University strives to have at minimum a 350 student load per full-time staff with advising-specific duties. All academic colleges have mandatory advising requirements, and are defined by milestones.

Additionally, students involved in Athletics, Enrollment Management, and Student Affairs work with Integrated Advisors that provide holistic and developmental advising. In addition to one-on-one contact, Integrated Advisors enhance student success through Summer Bridge or mentoring programs, or workshops like Mock Final Exams.

With the increase in online degree programs, advising has adapted to offer Zoom, email, or phone appointments for distance students. The use of technology helps advisors maintain contact with their students.