Advisement Hours
We meet with students both virtually and in-person as well as by appointment and through drop-in hours. Please see the schedule below to view our availability.
Drop-In Hours: You simply drop in during the hours listed below. If they are "In-Person" hours, please come to the Transfer & Transition Student Center (UAEC, Suite 170) and check in at the front desk. If they are "Virtual" hours, please go to this ZOOM link during the hours listed below:
Appointments: You can make an appointment through LoboAchieve: If you have an existing UNM NetID (email), you will use that and the password associated with it to log in. If you do not have a current UNM NetID/password, you can still make an appointment but you'll need to click on "CREATE AN ACCOUNT" to gain access to make appointments. If you have any trouble scheduling the meeting on your own, please email to request an appointment.
Adjusted Advisement Hours: On occasion, our office gets called to a meeting or are otherwise unavilable to hold advisement hours during the pre-scheduled blocks below. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. When this happens, we will inform you here:
Upcoming Advisement Hour Adjustments:
- Monday, February 10th - No advisement hours
- Wednesday, February 26th - No In-Person Drop-In hours from 2:30-4:30 PM
- Friday, February 28th - No Virtual Drop-In hours from 1-4 PM