Master Agreements

Master Agreements are the contracts UNM has with Postsecondary high schools around the state. The Master Agreement is an official document that confirms the collaboration between the Postsecondary institution and local educational agency. If a school is listed on here, students from that school are able to participate in the Dual Credit program at UNM. The Master Agreement must have an Appendix (list of approved courses) allowed for dual credit at UNM. A copy of the Master Agreement and Appendix are sent to the PED to ensure compliance to the standards, agreement has been established, and allow for reimbursement of course tuition for those approved agencies.

Our Dual Credit Coordinator is continuously working to add more schools to our list.  If you do not see your school listed, please contact the UNM Dual Credit Office at to see if it's possible to you get your school added. Please note that different schools have different agreements with UNM. Students may only take classes included in their school’s agreement. Click on your school’s List of Approved Courses below for more information on the classes you may take. 

Courses listed the List of Approved Courses below must be taken at Albuquerque/Main (Main) and/or as Online & ITV (Online).  Students who wish to take a dual credit course (online or otherwise) offered through one of UNM's Branch Campuses (Gallup, Los Alamos, Taos, or Valencia) must apply to the dual credit program associated with that branch campus. 

2023-2025 Signed Master Agreements:

The following is a list of schools that have an active Master Agreements with UNM Albuquerque/Main. If you do not see your school listed, please contact the UNM Dual Credit Office at to see if it's possible to you get your school added.

2023-2025 Lists of Approved Courses:

Please click on your school below to find the list of classes approved for you to take.  Keep in mind that the courses you select for your individual dual credit plan must be approved by your high school representative as well as by your advisor at UNM.  Courses taken for dual credit at UNM ABQ/Main must meet both a high school requirement and must also be applicable to your intended college degree program.  You must also meet the pre-requisites for courses taken under dual credit.


Transfer & Transition Student Center
University Advisement and Enrichment Center, Sutie 170
 Building #85 on the UNM Campus Map | 505-277-7000