College Undergraduate Advisement Ratios
This page contains student-to-advisor ratios and an overview of the structure and staffing of UNM Albuquerque campus academic advisement centers. It is based on data from 2023-2024 academic year census records and insights gathered through interviews with leadership from the advising centers. It includes specific duties that the unit's leadership has shared as particularly unique, important, or time-intensive.
Only Academic Advisors and Sr. Academic Advisors are included in the ratio. While most supervisors and managers take on some advisement functions during peak periods, staffing shortages, or for escalated student situations, the duties associated with these positions preclude them from being responsible for a full student caseload. While graduate advisors and other types of staff may be included in the overview of the advisement unit/center, they are not included in the ratio.
As this process evolves, the Office of Advising Strategies may remove certain listed duties if they are commonly performed by most or all advisors or leadership and determined to be "shared" responsibilities. If you have questions about the information presented on this page or your advisement center is not represented here and you would like help compiling similar statistics for your area, contact
2023-24 Academic Year Student Advisor Ratio: 337:1
Manager of Academic Advisement: 1
Sr. Academic Advisors: 7
Rob Hogan (Manager of Academic Advisement) oversees undergraduate academic advisement for the Anderson School. Rob manages a team of 7 Sr. Academic Advisors and 1 Administrative Assistant.
Sr. Academic Advisor duties:
All advisors are trained to work with students in all concentrations, participate in all new student orientations, meet with students on probation or suspension, complete pre-certification for graduating students, deliver specific advisement to AOP students, take part in all graduation ceremonies and play a role in all recruitment events. In their meetings with students, Sr. Academic Advisors are responsible for submitting exceptions, updating student records, completing graduation checks and referring students to campus resources. They provide feedback on curriculum development and offer solutions to difficult student situations. Each of the Sr. Academic Advisors have duties beyond the daily interaction with students such as documenting SOPs, completing athletic forms, coordinating the NSO process, coordinating the pre-&-final certification process, completing transfer equivalencies, delivering presentations at recruitment events and engaging in bi-weekly unit meetings.
Administrative Assistant duties:
The Administrative Assistant manages our front desk, answers the phone, makes appointment for students, routes various forms and is responsible for the emails. She also participates and helps coordinate NSO, participates in all Anderson events, assists in the training of student leaders, and triages student situations for referral to the advisors or manager.
Manager duties:
Rob is Anderson's advisement liaison to upper administration. He reports to the Associate Dean and participates in both the Anderson Staff Leadership Team and the Anderson Strategic Task Force. Rob reviews the Anderson Class Schedule prior to publication and is a member of the Curriculum & Planning Committee serving as a resource for curriculum and catalog changes/updates. Rob works with students placed on suspension and reviews suspension appeals. He works directly with students requiring advanced assistance/guidance and is responsible for submitting retro degrees. Rob works closely with faculty chairs on curriculum related issues. Rob works with the Marketing Manager on website accuracy and updates. He approves timesheets, annual leave requests, hybrid work agreements, performance evaluations and the hiring of advisors. Rob makes professional development a priority for all the Sr. Academic Advisors by inviting guest speakers (i.e., GEO, Financial Aid, Dual Credit, Center for Financial Capabilities, Undergraduate Research Programs, etc.) throughout the academic year for ongoing training. Anderson has an approved professional development budget for each Sr. Academic Advisor and the Manager primarily used for the NACADA regional or annual conferences.
2023-24 Academic Year Student Advisor Ratio: 282:1
Director of Academic Success: 1
Supervisors of Academic Advisement: 4
Sr. Academic Advisors: 21
Academic Advisor: 1
Marlene Sanchez (Director of Academic Success) oversees academic advisement for the College of Arts & Sciences Center for Academic Success. Marlene manages a team of 4 Supervisors of Academic Advisement, 21 Sr. Academic Advisors, and 1 Academic Advisor.
Academic Advisor duties:
Academic Advisors are the liaison between the front desk and advisement staff. They assist in facilitating student appointments and drop-ins and are back-ups for the centralized advisement email. They provide beginning probation and suspension support and letters of support per student request. They may assist in New Student Orientation, pre-certification, certification, the e-certification list, and significant transitions. Academic Advisors have the potential to transition to Sr. Academic Advisors.
Sr Academic Advisor duties:
Sr. Academic Advisors provide department orientations for their respective majors. They manage certification lists, pre-certification and certification, and major transition lists. They handle advanced probation and suspension support, financial aid, and degree verification paperwork. They provide letters of support and department inquiries through departmental emails. They also handle New Student Orientation preparation and course recommendations.
Supervisor duties:
Supervisors of academic advisement oversee a particular area of advisement within the college. They facilitate support and triage between faculty, advisors, and students. They provide additional support in times of high demand to lessen advisor loads. They also assist with New Student Orientation in all needed areas.
Manager duties:
Marlene is responsible for leading programs aimed at recruiting, advising, engaging, and retaining students within the College of Arts & Sciences. In addition to program oversight, she guides her team through departmental goals and the college mission. She leads the recruitment, selection, and onboarding of new team members by conducting interviews, facilitating orientation, and providing a robust training program. Her role involves supervising and coordinating academic support services, such as workshops, first-year initiatives, student success scholarships, and other student support programs. Additionally, she analyzes data to identify barriers hindering academic outcomes and develops strategies to address these challenges. Marlene collaborates closely with faculty, staff, and other university departments to implement and maintain effective academic success programs and necessary curriculum changes. Finally, she is responsible for formulating and managing the office's budget, ensuring resources are allocated in support of office initiatives.
2023-24 Academic Year Student Advisor Ratio: 205:1
Operations Manager: 1
Supervisor of Academic Advisement: 1
Sr. Academic Advisors: 3
Academic Advisors: 3
Natalie Arellanez (Operations Manager) oversees academic advisement for the College of Education and Human Sciences Center for Student Success Advisement. Natalie manages a team of 1 Supervisor of Academic Advisement, 3 Sr. Academic Advisors, and 3 Academic Advisors.
Academic Advisor duties:
Academic Advisors are onboarded slowly in their first semester working through a weekly outlined model. The model begins with the larger COEHS framework and historical reference. This allows the advisement team to better understand the processes in place and provide better support to students who seek information regarding curriculum or procedure. They initially maintain a lower advising ratio and number of appointments, ensuring a smoother acclimation to advisement. Supervisor of Academic Success will shadow a LIMITED number of appointments allowing the Academic Advisor to lead without feeling the pressure of observation. Trust is built between the advisor and supervisor initially. CSS and leadership provide support to Academic Advisors that they do not need to “know” everything during these first initial appointments and provide an open-door policy should they need help at any time. They are encouraged to share that they are unsure of a solution to the students question and encouraged to check in with supervisor to allow better learning opportunity and building rapport with supervision. The centralized advisement email is used as training to become comfortable with the many subjects that will be advised. It allows the advisor to observe the questions being asked and allows them an opportunity to ask questions and research UNM systems for solutions. They also attend recruitment events that allow them to work with students seeking first degrees OR insight into how to advise transfer students. They support CSS Sr. Academic Advisors with New Student Orientation (NSO) packet preparations and will be given a limited 1-3 students per session to allow them to become acclimated to working with large groups of students. They can assist Sr. Academic Advisors with evening/weekend advising appointments.
Sr. Academic Advisor duties:
Sr. Academic Advisors manage probation/suspension students and are responsible for evening/weekend advising appointments. They are primarily responsible for managing the college email in between advising sessions and work independently. The expectation is that a Sr. Academic Advisor has the knowledge of policies and processes. They are responsible for calling and email campaigns, NSO student packets, and larger student load of drop in appointments. Advisors also help create advisement documents that determine eligibility for admission. They liaise with college departments and work with the branch campuses to assist with the teaching licensure programs.
Supervisor duties:
The Supervisor of Academic Advising helps with student meetings when traffic is high. Otherwise, they assist with larger student issues recommended internally or by faculty. They also assist with the day-to-day management of the advising team.
Director/Other duties:
Natalie reports to two Deans and is their advising liaison. She oversees graduate and licensure certification. She works closely with field services, admissions, recruitment, retention, program faculty and chairs and the data/design teams. She assists in managing the Education buildings. Natalie oversees student processes such as articulations, Kuali updates, and rebuilding advisement faculty documents. She is also the final resort for students in extreme situations.
2023-24 Academic Year Student Advisor Ratio: 337:1
Manager of Academic Advisement: 1
Sr. Academic Advisor: 1
Academic Advisors: 3
Beth Elkin (Manager of Academic Advisement) oversees academic advisement for the College of Fine Arts undergraduate population and manages a team of 1 Sr. Academic Advisor and 3 Academic Advisors.
Academic Advisor: All advisors manage substitution petitions and participate in the pre-certification process. They handle probation and suspension support as well as financial aid and registration enrollment forms. They take part in preview days, graduation, and calling campaigns for non-registered students. Advisors help support the front desk, providing coverage when there are gaps in work-study coverage and during high volume periods. They also take part in New Student Orientation, including preparation and course recommendations. They provide letters of support and department inquiries through departmental emails. Advisors participate in 6-7 hours of drop-in advisement each week and schedule approximately 20 appointments per week.
Sr. Academic Advisor: In addition to the duties of the Academic Advisors listed above, the Sr Academic Advisor assists the manager with front desk management and work-study support. The Sr. Academic Advisor provides back-up for the manager, attends NSO meetings, helps facilitate the management of NSO lists, assists with certification duties and reviews audits and progress sheets for accuracy.
Manager duties:
Beth manages probation and suspension lists and meets with students returning from suspension. She will meet with students as needed to assist during student high traffic times and during periods of advisor shortages. She assists with the advisor load for NSO, including NSO preparation, helps respond to fine arts email, including enrollment and financial aid forms, and attends recruiting events. Internally, she manages office administrative duties such as timesheets, purchasing, hiring, training and scheduling requirements for advisors. Externally, she meets individually with the Dean and department chairs to advocate for courses, review curriculum and discuss scheduling concerns and attends Dean’s Leadership Team meetings. Beth manages the CFA Senior Awards process and participates in graduation.
2023-24 Academic Year Student Advisor Ratio: 201:1
Manager of Academic Advisement: 1
Sr. Academic Advisors: 3.5
William McClary (Manager of Academic Advisement) oversees academic advisement for the College of Nursing. William manages a team of 4 advisors, 3.5 of whom are dedicated advisors for undergraduate students.
Sr. Academic Advisor duties:
Sr. Academic Advisors triage managing their front desk, as they don't have front desk administrative or work-study support. They share space with the College of Nursing Admissions office. Advisors manage their list of services that students, staff, and faculty use. They handle certification (including the Board of Nursing) with high priority as external tests and certifications require it. They hold workshops for prospective and current students. Nursing advisors handle internal ordering (such as scrubs) for nursing students. They work closely with Financial Aid, data analysts, alum relations, and Athletics for matters involving student cohorts. They manage the planning and execution of Nursing's convocation and New Student Orientation. They work with the faculty on the handbook for Nursing students and create YouTube videos to assist them with Nursing issues. Finally, they handle leave of absence requests from Nursing students for students, faculty, and advisors. They partner with Admissions, which handles prospective students.
Manager duties:
Will manages the overall data and analytics for the College of Nursing's advisement. He manages student attributes and edits them as needed on a semesterly basis. Will processes secondary certification with the Board of Nursing so students can take their licensure exams. He also assists with advisement when traffic necessitates it.
2023-24 Academic Year Student Advisor Ratio: 30:1
Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Co-Curriculum: 1
Sr. Student Success Specialist: 1
Krystal Ward (Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Co-Curriculum) oversees academic advisement for the College of Pharmacy. Krystal manages one dedicated undergraduate Sr. Student Success Specialist, 1 Recruiter, and 1 Sr. Learning Specialist.
Sr. Student Success Specialist duties:
The Sr. Student Success Specialist works primarily with pre-majors, but the college is planning to transition the role to include graduate advisement as well. They certify graduation with approval from Krystal and manage the student ambassador program. The Sr. Student Success Specialist also manages the Early Assurance Program (EAP) and helps with recruitment at institutions with EAP programs such as ENMU, NMSU, and San Juan College, with plans to grow the EAP offerings. The Sr. Student Success Specialist also attends admissions committee meetings and assists with various student events at the College.
Director/Other duties:
Krystal serves as an Associate Dean and has primary duties that fall outside the scope of advisement. However, she is actively involved with her students, including approving graduation certification and reviewing PharmD curriculum progression.
2023-24 Academic Year Student Advisor Ratio: 32:1
Director of Academic Success: 1
Manager of Academic Advisement: 1
Academic Advisors: 2
Pamela Sedillo (Director of Academic Success), under the direction of the Assistant Dean of Education, oversees all education and student success of the College of Population Health including advising. Daniel Noriega-Lucero (Manager of Academic Advisement) manages day-to-day advisement-specific services and recruitment initiatives for the College. In addition, Daniel is actively involved in the admission process for all the College’s programs. The Advising and Recruitment team includes one graduate Sr. Academic Advisor, two dedicated undergraduate Academic Advisors, and one Student Recruitment Specialist. The Advising and Recruitment team is tasked with increasing COPH student enrollment.
Academic Advisor/Sr. Academic Advisor duties:
Academic Advisors, in addition to the usual advising duties, are heavily involved in all COPH college functions, recruiting activities, and student events. They collaborate with other colleges to assist current and prospective students interested in COPH degree programs. They present at workshops, the Health Professions Symposium, UNM Preview Days, other UNM Colleges/Schools, Advising Matters, etc. Academic Advisors are required to complete all ‘zone’ trainings offered by UNM. COPH academic advisors’ performance goals include completing professional development training to improve their skills, serve their students better, and set an example of high achievement. They are also the primary point of reference for academic and professional opportunities for the College’s undergraduate student body. The College supports Academic Advisors developing professionally into Sr. Academic Advisement positions within the College. The College's graduate advisor (Sr. Academic Advisor) can assist with undergraduate advisement when an academic advisor is out, or traffic loads require it. All advisors actively participate in all College events and are expected to serve on College or UNM committees. These events include convocation, commencement, conferences, and legislative meetings.
Manager duties:
Daniel supervises and manages all day-to-day advising and recruitment activities for all College’s programs: undergraduate, master, PhD, and minors and certificates. He manages curriculum reviews for all programs and is a member of the Curriculum Committee. He manages student enrollment and advisement review for accreditation. He compiles enrollment and retention data required for COPH reporting to the state and federal government needed by leadership. He works with the Director of Academic Success, program directors and deans on strategic long-term initiatives regarding recruitment, enrollment, and advisement. He provides direct academic advisement for COPH’s PhD, clinical, and dual degree students.
Director/Other duties:
Pamela Sedillo oversees the education operations of the College of Population Health. She collaborates with others internally and externally to ensure student success from recruitment to alumni. Pam is the is the College educational operations representative to other UNM and HSC units.
2023-24 Academic Year Student Advisor Ratio: 403:1
Supervisor of Academic Advisement: 1
Sr. Academic Advisor: 1
Office Overview:
Angela Pacheco (Supervisor of Academic Advisement) oversees academic advisement for the School of Architecture + Planning. Angela manages a team of two Sr. Academic Advisors, one of whom is a dedicated advisor for undergraduate students.
Sr. Academic Advisor duties:
The Sr. Academic Advisor is the New Student Orientation lead in onboarding all new students. They also assist with recruitment events involving travel and tabling at other institutions.
Supervisor duties:
Angela reports to the Dean directly and is her college's liaison to the advising needs of her students. She serves on curriculum, revision, transfer articulation, and recruitment committees. She also conducts workshops for seniors moving on to graduate school. Angela is responsible for pre-certification and certification for graduating students and submitting their exceptions in their final semester. She also serves as the SA+P Ambassadors leader.
Angela keeps an advising load to assist with her college's ratio, working with seniors and probation students.
2023-24 Academic Year Student Advisor Ratio: 258:1
Manager of Academic Advisement: 1
Sr. Academic Advisors: 6
Academic Advisors: 2
Krista Navarrette (Manager of Academic Advisement) oversees academic advisement for the School of Engineering. Krista manages a team of 6 Sr. Academic Advisors and 2 Academic Advisors.
Academic Advisor/Sr. Academic Advisor duties:
For the School of Engineering, the primary difference between Academic Advisors and Sr. Academic Advisors is their experience level, not their duties.
Advisors are in charge of onboarding their student population. Some are liaisons with their departments, faculty, and other administrative areas. Due to a high level of scholarships, grants, and external programs, advisors have a high level of administrative work. This also includes programs at UNM branch campuses, community colleges, and graduate programs. Interdepartmental conversations are scheduled between advisors bi-weekly and overseen and managed by Krista. Advisors manage the cover letter process for return from suspension. Advisors in their college handle undergraduate degree certification.
Manager duties:
Krista triages communication in all Engineering advisement areas to different degrees. She provides related data and reporting. She is the liaison between departments and the Dean and Associate Dean. She maintains the SOPs for college projects. Krista manages registration errors, auto-admits to the college, advisement-related ABET accreditation, and the overall advisement process for Engineering. She reviews catalog changes. Krista manages internal administrative tasks such as final approval on timesheets, annual leave schedules, hybrid work agreements, and performance evaluations. Department administrators liaise with Krista on these. Krista also maintains a student population.
2023-24 Academic Year Student Advisor Ratio: 279:1
Manager of Academic Advisement: 1
Supervisors of Academic Advisement: 2
Sr. Academic Advisors: 8
Jeremiah Vasquez (Manager of Academic Advisement) oversees academic advisement for the University College Advising Center. Jeremiah manages a team of 2 Supervisors of Academic Advisement and eight Sr. Academic Advisors.
Sr. Academic Advisor duties:
They handle New Student Orientation preparation and course recommendations. They provide support to probation/suspension students. Pre-Health advisors maintain frequent contact and collaborate with their counterparts at the Health Sciences Center. LAIS and ROTC advisors provide input on curriculum development, program review, course scheduling, website design, and degree certification for ROTC Commissioning. Advisors represent the UCAC at tabling events such as Fall/Spring Preview and American Indian Junior Day. They collaborate with other campus partners/initiatives such as, the graduation project, Athletics, and the Provost Committee for Staff. All advisors serve on the UCAC Task Forces creating internal policies and procedures and some may teach college courses.
Supervisor duties:
Supervisors of Academic Advisement oversee specific areas of advisement within the college, either Liberal Arts & Integrative Studies, Military Studies/ROTC, Non-Degree, and Exploratory/Undecided status or Pre-Health majors. The Pre-Health supervisor maintains working relationships with and facilitates collaboration between counterparts at the Health Sciences Center and UCAC advisors.
In addition to his duties as Supervisor, Brian Vineyard is the Data & Curriculum Specialist for the University College Dean’s Office. He is responsible for University College degree certification, course scheduling, curriculum revision and development, is the University College webmaster and logo liaison, regularly pulls data from Visual Zen and maintains working NSO reports for UCAC. Brian is also UC Adjunct Faculty and teaches a section of FYEX 1110.
Both Supervisors have an assigned population of students and assist with NSO in all needed areas. Both sit on the NSO Planning Committee. Supervisors schedule and coordinate the work of their team of advisors, provide guidance and direction to advisement personnel, and serve as first point-of-contact for the advising team regarding complaints, complex issues, and questions. Supervisors also monitor the UCAC email account and respond to inquiries accordingly. Supervisors participate in the semesterly review of academic suspension appeals
Manager duties:
Jeremiah oversees the daily operations of the advising center and reports directly to the Associate Dean for Faculty & Staff Development. He meets with students for drop-ins during peak advising times such as Registration Week to assist with the high traffic volume. Jeremiah provides support for the registration component of NSO. He will cover the front desk when needed. He manages the cover letter process for students returning from suspension. Additionally, he manages office administrative duties such as, Enrollment Authorization Forms (I.e. Drop with Dean’s Permission), time approval, hiring, purchasing approvals, Remote Work Agreements and final approval of work schedules each semester for all UCAC staff. Jeremiah is also UC Adjunct Faculty and teaches a fall section of FYEX 1030.