Sarah Nezzer
LoboAchieve Coordinator
About Sarah Nezzer:
Sarah was born in Pennsylvania. After a sojourn across the US that included New Mexico, she returned to Albuquerque to attend UNM. She began as a student employee with the DARS Transfer Team. After graduation, she remained at UNM, becoming an advisor at the University College Advisement Center. When the Office of Advising Strategies was created, Sarah was hired to manage the LoboAchieve Advising platform. She now continues to oversee LoboAchieve’s database management, performs data research and triage, and works with the Director of Advising Strategies on researching and conducting assessment in the UNM advisement community.
Sarah is a First Generation student who received her Bachelors in History and Religious Studies. After exploring many graduate programs, she completed her Masters in Public Administration. In her free time she enjoys reading a little of everything, gaming, watching cooking shows, and researching trends in Higher Education.